Re: [Further-devel] gaim plugin?

From: Ed Lea (
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 11:57:03 PDT

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Evan Martin wrote:

> It'd be neat to see a gaim plugin for further... like something that
> shows the last few messages received with dates, or something.

I had thought that some sort of ICQ type thing would be nice

> It'd have to communicate with a further plugin via a pipe, which
> requires a system inside further of managing file callbacks.
> I can hack that up pretty quickly.
> God, I'm tired. I'll explain better later I guess.

There are ICQ libraries, which I know nothing about, that could help... if
you wanted ICQ instead. Now I have no internet access on my linux box this
sort of hack would be tricky for me... I may look into it though


"Do you know, I think it is? I really think it might just be a crazy little thing called sarcasm seeping in at the edges of my manner of speech!"

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