Re: [Further-devel] Error compiling latest update

From: Patrick (
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 02:30:44 PDT

On Thu, Sep 27, 2001 at 02:17:53AM -0700, Evan Martin wrote:
> Update again; it compiles now.

Cool! it works! And ~/.further makes disabling plugins even easier then it was before. just comment it out. It doesn't complain at all. nice work.

> (I wonder if you're the only person who's tried to run it? I should
> announce on freshmeat... :P)

Would a release on freshmeat require packaging it up? It's really close, but is it really ready for that?

Also, I think maybe having a background picture directory in ~/.further would be better then having it look at further/data/. if there was a ~/.further/data directory or something, then all these things could be in there. It would at least feel more consistant. :)


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